If you are due to have a hearing aid fitted, it’s best to know exactly what is likely to happen at the fitting appointment itself. A lot of people get nervous about this situation, and that is perfectly understandable if you have never had something like this done before. However, as you are about to see, it is actually a relatively straightforward experience, and if you bear in mind the following three things that you can expect to happen, you will feel a lot more prepared when you go in for the appointment.

Detailed Overview of the Device

One of the things that will happen at any hearing aid fitting is that the audiologist will introduce you to the device that you are going to be fitted with, giving you a detailed overview of how it works and what you can expect out of using it. That will help you to feel much more prepared for wearing it in the future, so it’s something that you are certainly going to want to get out of the appointment.

Your audiologist will likely show you what type of hearing aid you are being fitted with: whether it’s an in the ear (ITE), behind the ear (BTE) and in the canal (ITC). You’ll come away understanding fully how the hearing aid works.

Instructions on Use

Of course, you also need to know how to actually use the device, so your audiologist will also take you through that as thoroughly as necessary, to ensure that you come away with a full understanding of how to use it. The more fully you comprehend this as you start wearing it, the more that you will get out of it, so that’s something that you are certainly going to want to get out of the experience.

If at any point you are confused about any of the instructions that you are being given, you should simply ask your audiologist for clarification. They will always be more than happy to explain in more detail, especially if you make it clear that you are not sure about something.

When you leave, you will know how to maintain your hearing aid, how to clean it and keep it in the best working order. The audiologist may give you written instructions to take home too.

Checking Your Comfort

It’s hugely important that you are fully comfortable with your hearing aid being fitted. If it is anything less than completely comfortable, you might find that it is not going to be quite as effective or easy to wear, so this is an important part of the whole process too. Your audiologist will ensure that you are as comfortable as possible with your hearing aid, so that it is going to be a comfy and normal part of you in no time.

You can expect all that and more if you go for a hearing aid fitting with your local audiologist. If you think you might need a fitting, contact your audiologist at your earliest convenience to find out more.