One of the greatest risks of hearing loss comes from the extreme levels of noise that some of us expose ourselves to, whether infrequently or on a daily basis. From working in loud environments like construction sites to going to concerts or even mowing the lawn at home, it all brings that risk.

However, noise-induced hearing loss is entirely preventable. One of the tools that your audiologist will recommend in preventing it is ear protection. Here are some of the best forms of ear protection around.

Disposable earplugs

These are the cheapest, yet also the shortest-lived types of hearing protection available. As such, they’re most often used by people who only need temporary hearing protection, such as those who plan on going to a concert or a firework show.

While disposable earplugs are built to fit as wide a range of ear shapes and sizes as possible, they don’t offer the comfortable fit that other kinds of ear protection do. However, despite that, they are simple to use; simply insert them directly into the ear and they should hold firmly in place.

While they’re cheap, easy to use, and effective, they’re not suitable for repeated use over long periods of time, as the name suggests.

Custom-made earplugs

These earplugs are designed to be inserted directly into the ear, just like the more disposable variety. However, they’re also designed to fit your ears specifically and to be reused time and time again.

They’re made using casts made from your outer ear, ensuring they’re of a shape that fits as comfortably as possible. They’re also made of a higher-quality material so they can be reused for years so long as you clean as and when is necessary.

Custom-made earplugs may have a higher initial cost than their disposable counterparts, but they are, on the whole, more cost-effective over time. Not only is this true because they’re reusable but also because they can come with features suited to your needs, such as making them waterproof or making them more suitable for masking certain types of noise without muffling your hearing too much overall.


Earmuffs are a type of ear protection that is worn over the ears rather than inside them, instead. They are most often attached to a headband or headset, with soft cushioning to make them more comfortable to use over longer periods.

They provide some of the most comprehensive protection and are easy to put on, take off, and adjust as needed. They can even be fitted to protective helmets for an all-in-one workplace PPE solution.

In terms of price, they’re more expensive than disposable earplugs, yet cheaper than custom-made ear protection, but they provide total protection from all sources of excessive noise, all the same.

Choose the best ear protection with the help of your audiologist

If you want to know which ear protection you should choose, don’t be afraid to get in touch with your audiologist. Depending on your needs and the type of loud environments you’re likely to be exposed to, they can help you choose the most cost-effective option or even help you create the custom-made earplugs you need.