As much as you may want to eliminate noise, it simply isn’t possible. This is because you can hear loud sounds anywhere and any day. For instance, you can be exposed to loud sounds from machines and equipment at the workplace. Even your favorite activities, like going to music festivals, motorcycling, hunting or shooting, can produce sounds too much for your ears to handle without protection.

Unfortunately, these noises can cause permanent hearing loss, making it essential to invest in ear protection for your ears. Thanks to innovation, solutions like noise-canceling headphones have become the go-to for inhibiting unwanted sounds. The good news is that these devices are easily accessible. This article will shed more light on how noise-canceling headphones work.

What Is Noise-Canceling Headphones?

You may have heard about these headphones, but what are they? Noise-canceling headphones are similar to traditional ones regarding their primary function: to allow you to listen to your favorite songs, podcasts and audio lessons. However, conventional headphones end at this, meaning outward noise can still interfere with your audio experiences. This is particularly concerning if you are in an extremely loud environment with more than 85 decibels, damaging your cochlea membranes and hair cells and causing hearing loss. This makes noise-canceling varieties superior; they cancel these ambient noises, protecting your ears while allowing you to fully enjoy your audio.

How Do Noise-Canceling Headphones Work?

It’s worth noting that there are two types of these headphones on the market: active and passive noise canceling. With the passive variety, noise can’t penetrate because of their structural build. For instance, in-ear headphones have foam or silicone tips to make a physical barrier to noise, while on-ear options create a seal around your ears with foam and other sound-blocking materials. While active noise-canceling headphones have similar features to the passive types, they also have minute microphones that capture incoming sound waves while playing at an opposite frequency.

With this technique, both frequencies cancel each other out, often resulting in an anti-sound that plays simultaneously with your audio, giving you the best listening experience without the annoying noise.

Active vs. Passive Noise-Canceling Headphones: Which is Superior?

You may find yourself wondering which noise-canceling headphones are the most effective. The answer lies in what purpose you want to use it for. For instance, active varieties excel at canceling lower-frequency ambient sounds like background conversations, the hum of an airplane engine, an unusually loud air conditioning unit and so on. However, the passive variety is your top choice if you must regularly deal with high-pitched sounds. Therefore, leverage them to block out barking dogs or crying children.

Are Noise-Canceling Headphones Safe for Your Ear?

They protect your ears from extremely loud sounds. They can even be useful for reducing the symptoms of tinnitus. However, they are still headphones; putting them at extremely high volume can have the opposite effect. Therefore, exercise caution when using these ear protection devices. A moderate volume is all you need, so keep this in mind. However, if you habitually blast any headphones at a disturbing volume, an audiologist can tell if your ears aren’t damaged. Your audiologist can prescribe effective hearing aids and other relevant devices.