Audiologists are experts in ears and all things hearing. They help you with a wide variety of different issues from hearing and balance impairment to tinnitus and wax buildup. They are professionals who help improve your quality of life and help improve your hearing. If you experience hearing loss it can negatively impact your day-to-day life and even stop you from carrying out normal tasks and getting involved with different activities. Audiologists can help in all different ways and if you experience hearing loss, balance or tinnitus issues then it is time to visit your audiologist for some help and advice. If you do experience hearing loss the audiologist can identify and help to treat all different types of tinnitus, hearing and balance disorders. 

Hearing Aids 

One of the other things they can help with is once they have identified that you are experiencing hearing loss and require help from a hearing aid or assistive technology. They will be able to select the best-suited hearing aids or assistive technology and fit them for you as well as show you so that you don’t struggle later down the line. Audiologists will be able to help identify and then treat any balance or dizziness issues that you may experience due to hearing problems. 

If you are transitioning to using a hearing aid once diagnosed it can be very daunting and very confusing. When you have a hearing aid there are different times you will need to adjust your hearing aid, times it charges when it runs out of battery, alongside other lifestyle differences you may experience. Your audiologists will be able to offer advice and help you transition as smoothly as possible to not have any negative experiences with your hearing aid journey.


Audiologists are the experts in their field which is why they will be able to advise and educate you on how you can protect yourself from the effects of noise which can lead to you experiencing hearing loss. One of the other conditions that can be experienced and are treated by your audiologist is tinnitus. This is an impairment where you experience consistent or intermittent ringing in your ears. When experiencing this it can be very distracting and can affect your everyday life and how they carry out day-to-day tasks. Audiologists can advise you on how to treat it and how to cope with the ringing in their ears.

Earwax Buildup

One of the recommendations from audiologists is that it is important not to insert things into your ears. Sometimes there can be a build-up of wax. If the wax build-up is big enough then this can lead to you experiencing hearing loss. It can be difficult on occasion for your body to be able to remove earwax by itself and it needs some help if it has gotten too big. An audiologist will be able to assist with this problem and they can help you remove wax. Currently, there are two different ways they currently can do this, the first is micro-suction and the second is irrigation.