When you are told that you need hearing aids, you will likely receive an extensive amount of information regarding care, maintenance and operation. The one thing that you can be sure of is that you know how to turn those hearing aids on.

Your specific hearing aid brand may not have an obvious button to turn it on and off, and it may be too tiny to pore over in your hands to figure out how to do it. The last thing that you need is to be clumsy with your hearing aids, as this can lead to dropping and damage – which are both things that you should really want to avoid! 

As technology improves our hearing aids, it also contributes to them becoming smaller and smaller and if your hearing aids refuse to turn on, you need to know what to do. Of course, the easiest thing is to contact your audiologist and get your hearing aids checked over to know if the issue is something that is more serious than surface damage. 

There could be tons of reasons that your hearing aids won’t turn on and understanding the most common ones will help you to be able to get through this and turn those hearing aids on. Let’s take a look at some of the most common reasons it won’t turn on and what to do about it:


If you have closed the battery door and your hearing aids are not turning on, one of the most common reasons is a dead battery. It’s not what you want, of course, as your hearing aids are needed in your day-to-day life. However, the battery life being shorter than you expected can mean that you need to change them earlier than you thought. Once you notice the battery isn't working, it's a simple fix!

Clean Up

If the battery is all working fine, take a soft cloth and give the hearing aids a wipe over. This will ensure that you have cleaned them properly of any dust and debris and will mean that you have made sure that there are no blockages preventing it from switching on. Blockages are very common when it comes to why your hearing aids aren't working. You want to remove any and all debris so that you can check your hearing aids are working correctly.


If you’ve changed the battery and you’ve cleaned your hearing aid, get in touch with your audiologist and talk them through the problem. They can work with you to ensure that your hearing aids are running properly and they will even send them off to be fixed if they need to be. 

Your hearing aids don't have to be complicated. If you notice that there is a problem, try the tips above and see whether it works out in the end!